"The adventures of Winnie and Trevor" Old comic strips I posted in the gallery of the playfish pet society forum :)

Monday, September 14, 2009

If Trevor had a Million coins

[B]If Trevor had a million coins he'd buy a bunch of duckies.

If Trevor had a million coins

That way whenever he took a bath he could use them to clog the drain that always sucks him down.

If Trevor had a million coins

Or maybe not!

If Trevor had a million coins

Well at least he'll have an army of ducks to protect him from the drain zombie-

If Trevor had a million coins

Or maybe not!

If Trevor had a million coins

Okay- So he's going to get a refund on those duckies and buy a big Crazy Planet Bazooka instead.

If Trevor had a million coins

If Trevor had a million coins

Or he's just going to run from the slow moving drain zombie leaving behind his useless army of duckies and Bazooka because both of them were actually non-refundable

If Trevor had a million coins

And spend the last of his million coins (that Bazooka was quite expensive) on a bunch of burgers

If Trevor had a million coins

That he'll shove down the drain-

If Trevor had a million coins

unfortunately Trevor always smells like burgers now

If Trevor had a million coins


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